SpiKe's TCL Scripts

SpiKe's TCL Scripts for Eggdrop

While BogusTrivia is my ongoing current project, below you will find several other TCL scripts requested by users that I've written and released. I am currently working on other projects which will be featured here when completed. If you have a script idea or a need for a specific type of script for your channel, please use the script request form.

My Scripts to Date


Game-Pool is a customizable random Team Generator for online Game Channels. Enables the Admin to open a pool for users to join their current online game. Messages users their team, ip/port and password info to join when the pool is full and game play can begin.

Game-Pool Features:
1. Set Admin and users by flag.
2. Complete Admin control.
3. Messages players the ip/port/pass to join the game when pool is closed.
4. Support for mulitple Game Pools.
5. Fixed an issue when adding/removing nicks with tcl special characters. 6. Added a setting to limit the number of simultaneous open game-pools. See Extended Description.


Silent provides Personal Protection for your bot against msg, notice, ctcp & ctcr floods using the servers /silence command. This feature is supported by many irc networks.

Silent Features:
1. Set offense count
2. Set time in seconds for flood to trigger.
3. Set duration before silence is removed.
4. Exempts users with user record.
5. Option on|off for each offense.
6. Listens for msg, notice, ctcp, & ctcr floods.


Beer is a simple Bartender chatter script. Contains entertaining triggers to amuse your channel users. May be used for any type of triggers.

Beer Features:
1. Single use multi-channel.
2. Onjoin message.
3. Unlimited triggers.
4. Flood Protection.

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