
Welcome to Our IRC Channel On Undernet

Pc-Mirc-Help was established in November of 2003 on Undernet. We offer help on a wide range of subjects. Support for my Scripts, BogusTrivia, BogusHTML, XDCC Server Pro, Game-Pool, Silent and Beer. Eggdrop, Windrop, Windows, Hardware, Routers, Firewalls, mIRC, DCC send problems, port forwarding, and more. Channel helpers or anyone who enjoys tech chat are always welcome to join us.

Our channel is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, as we all live on different schedules there may be times when you have to wait for a response. When you join us please ask your question(s) in the channel. If you receive no immediate response, please wait, one of us will get to you as soon as possible. In the event you can't wait an automated help system is available. Commands for the help system's use are available through channel notice onjoin.

A Little About Us

We are an English speaking channel. Our Operators are in the United States. We have quite a bit of experience in many fields and enjoy helping other users solve their own computing issues. We don't refer to users as newbies or stupid... We simply offer the best help possible when we can. We don't tolerate any form of abuse. Our channel is well run by excellent Operators willing to give up their time to help you, the user. If your looking for no-nonsense help or a place to hang join us anytime. Below are just some of the topics you'll find in our channel as well as within this site.

Common Discussions


BogusTrivia is my most popular script to date. Discussions include installation, support, troubleshooting, feature suggestions, and more for all of my scripts.


mIRC is the most widely used IRC chat client. Discussions include setup, options, dcc and troubleshooting.

Channels on IRC

There are many Networks available on IRC. Every IRC Network has it's own rules, maximum connections, bot restricted servers and such, research the Network rules before you decide to setup your channel.

Running Your IRC Channel

Opening a channel on IRC is a simple process, however running it can be a bit of a chore. Your chat client isn't enough. There are, and always have been users that will cause problems. To effectively run an IRC channel you should utilize an Eggdrop botnet. My channels are run using Eggdrop bots for protection as well as other automated tasks. You'll find extensive information throughout this site to aid you in obtaining bots, configuration, and maintaining an IRC channel.

Eggdrop or Windrop

For the most part Eggdrop and Windrop perform the same function. They are bots designed for IRC channel duties. They appear to be users sitting quietly until called upon to perform specific functions you require for your channel. All of my scripts will run on both platforms.


Eggdrop is an open source project. It runs on a Unix based Operating System such as Linux or FreeBSD.
Unless you run your own server software a shell provider will be necessary to use eggdrop.


Windrop is an open source project written for the x86 platform. Windows.
While both platforms can provide the options needed to run your IRC channel, Windrop is subject to the Windows based computer's uptime. We recommend using a good shell provider.

Eggdrop Hosting

Many web hosting companies offer eggdrop bot hosting. Most Shell Providers are reasonably priced, offer excellent uptime, and most packages include multiple processes and html space. I've provided links to the Shell Providers I use myself for your convenience.

This is just a few highlights of the content you'll find within this site.