Common mIRC Commands

Using mIRC Commands

There are many ways to customize and efficiently use mIRC. You can utilize mIRC commands for single use or create recurring functions. mIRC commands can be used for many purposes. Using alias, popup's, inline, and perform you can set timers, login to services, join your favorite channels and more. Below you will find the most common commands and how to use them. Subsequent pages will include advanced mIRC commands, using alias and popups as well as loading and use of scripts.

mIRC Command Syntax

Whether you choose to use commands on an as needed basis or write commands for recurring use the syntax is the same.
The command must begin with a / (forward slash), immediately followed by the command name, and parameter.
To join a channel after you connect to your Network use /join #channelname.
All information added after the command is known as the parameter, such as the #channelname above. Take the message command for instance, using /msg alone will return an error of
* /msg: insufficient parameters. You must supply the command with needed info.
You want to message George and say hello. You would use /msg George Hello.


/Ctcp <nick> <ctcp type>
The /ctcp command sends a ctcp of type ctcp type to the desired nick.
Ping is used to determine lag times.
Time is used to determine the system clock time.
Version is used to determine the client the user is running.
Example: /ctcp George ping

DCC Chat

/DCC Chat <nick>
The /dcc chat command initiates a Direct Client to Client chat. You send a CTCP request for the dcc chat, and if the user accepts, a direct chat connection will be established.

DCC Send

/DCC send <nick> <filename>
The /dcc send command initiates a file transfer of the specified file or opens selection dialog if no file name is given. DCC sends are dependent on the receiving user allowing the file type.


/Help <topic>
The /help command can be used alone or with a parameter. mIRC has an extensive help database. Using /help alone will open the main mIRC help window where you can choose a general help topic or search the help database. The help command can also be used with parameters to take you directly to what your looking for. Example: /help dcc
The above command will be up the DCC help window.


/Join <channel name>
The /join command is used to join the channel specified in the channel name parameter. Typing /join #pc-mirc-help will take you to our help channel.


/Me <action> <description>
The /me command makes your text appear as an action and is used to describe actions you want to send to the people you chat with. e.g. /me sighs appears to the channel as Starr sighs.


/msg <nick or channel> <message>.
The /msg command can be used for messages to a user or to the channel you specify. If the nick is given as the parameter it will send a private message to that person only. If the channel is specified instead of a nick, it can be used to target scripted chat text into a specified chat window. Since this produces the same result as typing the message text into that channel's editbox, this is rarely used outside scripting.


/Part <channel>
In the /part mIRC command the channel name is optional if it is typed into the editbox of a channel window. If using the Status window the channel name is a necessary parameter.


/Query <nick>
The /query command opens a query also known as a private chat window to the person you specify in the nick parameter. Using /query allows your to chat with users outside the channels your in.


/Quit <message optional>
The /quit command disconnects you from the server. You may supply an optional quit message if desired.
Using /quit or clicking the disconnect icon are the correct ways to end a chat session.
Simply closing your mIRC client fails to tell the server you've left so your nick will ghost on the server for some time.


/Whois <nick>
The /whois command gives you information about person you supply in the nick parameter. The reply from the server will include the users hostname, what channels they are on, and what server they are connected to. You may also see additional information many users custom add to their whois reply.

These are just a few common commands used everyday on IRC. A more complete command reference is also available should you require it.