XDCC Server Pro Settings

XDCC Server Pro Script Settings & Options

XDCC Server Pro contains many settings and options allowing you to customize your Server. As always XDCC Server Pro is designed to work out of the box. All default settings in the xdcc_pro.tcl are designed to get you up and running by simply DCC chatting your bot after install and adding your Channel &: packs. Below you will find extensive information for each setting in the order they are found in the xdcc_pro.tcl. You will notice on several options a reference is made to .xset. These settings may later be used in DCC Chat so set those options that support them on the fly. Please see the .xset commands FAQ for a complete reference for all available settings.

Basic Server Options
· Server Slots
Set the number of simultaneous file sends.

Maximum number of file sends at once. [.xset md]
set xpro(maxdcc) "2"
· Max Server Que
Set the maximum number of qued send for the entire server.

Maximum number of queued packs. [.xset mq]
set xpro(usrmaxq) "2"
· Maximum File Que Per User
Set the maximum number of files each user can have in que.

Maximum number of queued file per user. [.xset um]
set xpro(usrmaxq) "2"
· Auto Clear Que
Set the amount of time in minutes a user may be gone from the server channel before qued requests are removed.

For users with files in queue... [.xset qt]
Users can be gone from the channel how many minutes before removing from que
set xpro(qtimegone) "3"
· Terminate File Transfers
Set the amount of time in minutes a user may be gone from the server channel before a send in progress is terminated.

For users with active file sends... [.xset st]
Users can be gone from the channel how many minutes before killing file sends
set xpro(stimegone) "1"
· Server Start
The script can be set to auto start your server with a timed delay. To start the server manually DCC Chat your bot and type .xstart.

Start server when the bot starts? ("0" = no auto-start) [.xset as]
Set to 1 or more to enable with time delay. (auto-start delay time in minutes.)
set xpro(astart) "0"
· Server Directory
XDCC Server Pro uses the eggdrop filesys folder as its default serving folder. If you need to change this you must provide a fully qualified path in this setting to the folder of your choice.

This is the route relative to the bot root folder
Example set xpro(defpath) {./filesys/myfiles/} would serve the files from the subdirectory myfiles in the filesys folder in eggdrop.
set xpro(defpath) {./filesys/}
· Preset Color Themes
XDDC Pro Server includes 5 color themes and 1 colorless (black-white) for channels not allowing color codes. If you prefer to design your own color theme set this setting to 0 to disable and use the Custom Color Setup in the Advanced section of the xdcc_pro.tcl

Server Colors On or Off ?? (0=OFF) [.xset co]
1 :Default Colors
2 :Purple, Red and Grey
3 :Brown, Orange and Grey
4 :Dark Blue, Blue and Grey
5 :Orange, Green and Grey
0 :Server Colors Off
set xclr(color) "1"
· Server Ad-List Layout
Choose how your lists will present.

Server Ad/List Layout Choices [.xset al]
1 :Default - lists use pack description only
2 :Option2 - lists use file name & description
set xpro(adlayout) "1"
Server Ad Setup
· Timed Server Ads
Disable or enable and set timed public ads to all server channels. Timed public ads are set in minutes and will delay server start with the number of minutes set.

Send timed public ads to all server channels
Set this to "0" to disable timed ads
Set to 1 thru 9 to enable timed ads
Time in minutes, to delay first ad to channel, after server start.
set xpro(firstad) "1"
· Server Ad Line Display Option
Choose the default Ad-List layout you perfer to use. Variable replacements are used so you channel can be viewed in you Server Ad. you do not have to edit this setting, just choose your presentation choice.

Options for default Ad/List layout
First line of channel ads has 2 choices
1 |XDCC PRO| XDCC Server brought to you by #
2 |XDCC PRO| XDCC Server Online.
set xpro(adline1) "1"
· Server Ad Line Display Option 2
This setting applies if you have chosen to display Ad 2. Set your desired Ad description and must remian within the braces.

Option for Option2 Ad/List Layout (Ad/List Layout setting "2")
Server Description used in this ad layout
Example set xpro(srvrdesc) {Windows/mIRC Help Server}
IMPORTANT This is the server description in braces.
set xpro(srvrdesc) {Windows/mIRC Help Server}
· Select Ad Type Display
XDCC Pro can present your channel ad a couple differents ways. Send Ad #1 to the channel every "x" minites. Send Ad 1 the first time, # then send Ad 2 within the next "x" times before sending Ad 1 again. Either Ad can send the pack list or the trigger to get the pack list.

Server Ad 1 sends the packs list or the list trigger
1 Sends the packs list to the channel.
2 Sends the list trigger line to the channel.
0 Write your own Ad #1 below. (in advanced setup)
set xpro(ad1how) "1"
· Enable Ad 2 Display
This setting allows you to choose how often you wish to send Ad 2 before sending Ad 1 again. Setting 3 shows Ad 2 three times before again sending Ad 1.

Enable Ad 2
Set This To "0" To Only Use Ad 1. (Disable Ad #2)
Set to 1 or more to Enable Ad 2.
Number of times to send Ad 2 before sending Ad #1 again.
set xpro(altad) "3"
· Display Type for Ad 2
This setting allows you to choose whether to send a list trigger or full pack list to the channel.

Server Ad 2 sends the packs list or the list trigger
1 Sends the packs list to the channel.
2 Sends the list trigger line to the channel.
0 Write your own Ad 1 in advanced setup.
set xpro(ad2how) "0"
· Time Between Ads
This is the timer for minutes between Ads. Set as desired.

Time in minutes, between ads to a channel.
set xpro(xadtime) "4"
Server Replies
· Custom !list Trigger
The !list trigger can be anything you choose. !list cannot be used. It must not contain spaces.

Custom Public List Trigger (optional public list trigger)
Can be anything but !list
Example set xpro(cpltrig) {!xlist}
set xpro(cpltrig) {!packs}
· !list Trigger Sends Pack List
This setting allows you to choose how your bot will respond to your !list trigger when sending packs.

Custom Public List trigger sends packs list.
1 Sends the list by private message.
2 Sends the list by user notice.
3 Sends the list to the channel.
0 Set to "0" to disable the custom public list trigger.
set xpro(cplhow) "3"
· Public !list Trigger Channel Reply
This setting allows you to choose how your bot will respond to your !list trigger.

!list in the channel can reply with 6 valid settings.
1 Sends a user notice, gives the /ctcp command to get the list.
2 Sends a user notice, gives the custom public list trigger.
3 Sends the list by private message.
4 Sends the list by user notice
5 Sends the list to the channel.
0 Set to "0" to disable reply to !list public trigger
set xpro(listhow) "2"
· CTCP !list Trigger Reply
This setting determines the bots reply to the ctcp send list command.

CTCP List Reply /ctcp XDCC list will send the pack list how.
1 Sends the list by private message.
2 Sends the list by user notice.
0 Don't reply to the ctcp list command.
set xpro(xlsthow) "2"
· Auto Add New Packs
If set to 1 the script will auto add packs to the pack list.

Auto-Add : Automaticly add new files to the packs list? ("1" = yes) ("0" = no)

set xpro(autoadd) "0"
· Auto Add New Packs Path
If auto add is enabled it will checks these path(s) for new files

{} : check xpro(defpath) (Default path)

{./packs/} : check the packs directory

{./paks/,./help/} : multiple paths (comma separated)

set xpro(aaddpath) {}
· Auto Delete Packs Path
If auto delete is enabled it will missing packs from the pack list

Automaticly remove missing files from the packs list? ("1" = yes) ("0" = no)

set xpro(autodel) "0"
· Auto Delete Packs Path
If auto delete is enabled it will checks these path(s) for missing files

{} : check xpro(defpath) (Default path)

{./packs/} : check the packs directory

{./paks/,./help/} : multiple paths (comma separated)

{*} : check All packs to see if they are missing

set xpro(adelpath) {*}

Automaticly check for new/missing files how often? (in minutes)

set xpro(acheck) "10"
· Add Pack Can Check for Missing Files
If enabled the add pack command can now check for missing files.

"0" :No, .apack -all does not check for missing packs)

"1" :Check the packs in the current .apack -all directories for missing.

"2" :Checks all current packs for missing.

set xpro(alldel) "1"
· Custom User Ad 2
These are advanced settings to write your own Ads. The must be on a single line. Standard mIRC color coldes can be used.

Write your own Ad 2 here. {one line, can use mirc color codes)
set xpro(ad1line) {%ca1 |XDCC SERVER PRO| v2.03 by %ca2SpiKe^^%ca1 - To see the pack list type: %ca2%lt }
7. Ad List Flood Protection Multiple Channels
This setting allows timers between ads to additional serving channels. This will prevent flooding of the serve que.

Time (in minutes), to delay ads to additional channels past the first.
Keep from sending long ads to more than 1 channel at a time to avoid flooding.
Valid settings are 1 to 4 minutes
set xpro(adtonextch) "1"
· Pack List Flood Protection
This setting determines the timer between pack lists sent to the channel.

The list flood timer only applies to packs lists sent to a channel.
Wait this long after sending a packs list to a channel, before sending another list request reply to that same channel.
Valid settings are 1 to 5 minutes (1 digit setting = minutes)
Valid settings are 60 to 300 seconds (2 & 3 digit setting = seconds)
set xpro(listflud) "90"
· Que List Requests
XDCC Server Pro can que list requests if your serving in large or multiple channels.

Maximum number of package list requests in listqueue
Valid settings are 1 or more.
set xpro(lqcmax) "6"
· Send Qued Lists
XDCC Server Pro can que list requests if your serving in large or multiple channels.

If there are lists in listqueue, the server will try to send one list every "x" amount of seconds.
Valid settings are 10-15 seconds minimum, 120 maximum.
set xpro(lquetime) "18"
· Server Logo Reply
This setting allows you to create your logo for replys to users.

ServerLogo: used in server replys to users.
IMPORTANT! This is the logo in braces, {ServerLogo}.
Example set xpro(logo) {|XDCC PRO|}
set xpro(logo) {|XDCC PRO|}
· Ad Logo Reply
The first line of your ad logo can be customised here.

Ad Logo is used at beginning of the 1st line in ads of option 1. It can be set to ""
Before this line " XDCC Server brought to you by #"
IMPORTANT! This is the logo in braces, {ServerLogo}
Example set xpro(logo) {|XDCC PRO|}
set xpro(adlogo) {|XDCC PRO|}
· Ad 2 Logo Reply
This is the Logo for the last line of your Server Ad for Ad 2.

AdLogo2: used at beginning of last line in ads (opt1).
Following this line " Serving 5 packages | Sent 773 meg's (16 packs)."
set xpro(infologo) {|XDCC PRO by SpiKe^^|}
Custom Color Setup
· Enable Custom Color Setup
If you prefer to create your own color theme for your server it can be done here. Enable the option to use custom colors.

Use "Custom Colors" below or, "Server Colors" from above ?? [.xset cu]
0 will use server colors settings from above.
1 will use the custom server colors setup below.
set xclr(custom) "0"
· Custom Color Options
The custom color options allow you to customize almost every aspect of your Server using standard mIRC color codes.

One number like "06" would color the text in purple.
Two numbers like "04,12" : for red text on a blue background. 1st number is text, 2nd number is background.
Double Quotes would be users default color for selected item.

1st number is text, 2nd number is background. Double Quotes would be users default color for selected item.

Logo color set xclr(c0) "10"
Text color set xclr(c1) "10"
Highlight set xclr(c2) "04"
Triggers set xclr(c3) "04"
Dividers set xclr(c4) "14"
Pack Descriptions set xclr(c5) "10"
Other color 1 set xclr(c6) "10"
Other color 2 set xclr(c7) "04"
Other color 3 set xclr(c8) "04"
Other color 4 set xclr(c9) "10"
Other color 5 set xclr(c10) "10"

Custom Alt Ad Colors for the default alt ad.
Valid settings below. (one line alt ad looks good with a background:).
Setting both "" will use the Server Colors from above.
Text color & background #'s.
set xclr(custalt1) "10,15"
Trigger text color & background.
set xclr(custalt2) "04,15"