mIRC Toolbar Options

mIRC Toolbar Options

The mIRC toolbar is an invaluable tool. Many options are available for customizing your mIRC client. Below you will find information on each icon and its use. mIRC includes an extensive help system that fully explains nearly every option.

The icon on the toolbar is Connect. Use this icon to connect and disconnect from mIRC.
The icon on the toolbar will open the mIRC setup Options. These options are discussed on the previous page.
The icon on the toolbar is Favorites. This feature allows you to set channels you wish to return to often. Adding a channel to your favorites can be accomplished 2 ways. While in a channel you wish to add, select favorites then add to favorites. You may also use the Favorites icon and add multiple channels at once.
Channels added may be assigned custom options such as passwords, descriptions, network, join and or minimize on connect.
The icon on the toolbar is Search. This feature allows you to search your current network for channels available. Custom search options include match text, number of users on channels, and exceptions. Please note many IRC networks have hundreds of channels, your search may take a bit of time.
Scripts Editor
The icon on the toolbar is the Scripts editor. mIRC has an extensive scripting language. The script editor allows you to create recursive commands such as Aliases, Popups and more. See the mIRC help for complete information.
Address Book
The icon on the toolbar is your Address Book. For the most part it functions like any address book, to store information pertaining to your buddies. However there are extensive options under the control tab. These include options to op, voice, protect or ignore users.
Online Timer
The icon on the toolbar is the Online Timer. Enabling this option allows you to view your time spent on the network.
mIRC Colors
The icon on the toolbar is Color options. You may choose between 5 preset themes or create you own custom theme.
DCC Send
The icon on the toolbar is DCC send. This window opens for the current highlighted channel. Use the drop down menu to choose the nick you wish to send the file to. Select the file you wish to send. Select the Minimize and Fast Sends options. The default packet size is 4096 and is acceptable.
DCC Chat
The icon on the toolbar is DCC Chat. Select the nick you wish to chat with. When the connection is accepted by the user type your message.
DCC Options
The icon on the toolbar opens the DCC Options window in the Main mirc setup options.
The icon on the toolbar is provides easy access to your mIRC download folder.
View Logs
The icon on the toolbar opens a window to allow you to view or search log files. Please note log files will only be available if you enabled logging in mIRC options.
Notify List
The icon on the toolbar opens a window to allow you to view your notify list. Please note the Notify list will only be available if you set your address book to notify you of nick activity.
URL List
The icon on the toolbar opens a window to allow you to view urls set in the mIRC urls.ini file. This file is available when catcher is enabled in your main mIRC setup options..
The icon on the toolbar tiles your open mirc windows.
The icon on the toolbar cascades your open mIRC windows.
About mIRC
The icon on the toolbar opens a window where you can view information about your mIRC.
File allows you easy access to recent servers, opening a new server connection, disconnect and to exit mIRC.
View allows you to choose which toolbars to display, as well as easy access to common tasks such as viewing options, log files and more.
Favorites gives you easy access to view and organize your favorites.
Tools gives you easy access to channel lists, scripts editor, options and more.
Commands gives you easy access to common tasks such as joining a channel or performing a whois. You will also find shortcuts to options of installed scripts you've added.
Window gives you a quick view of all channels your in as well as some script related log files. There is also access to options and window positions.
Help is a valuable tool in mIRC. The help database is extensive and will aid you in learning to use mIRC to its fullest potential.

The icon on each open chat or channel window allows you easy access to settings for that particular window. Right click the icon to view and set things like time stamp, logging, position and more.