
BogusTrivia Version Full Release

The Ultimate TCL Trivia Script

BogusTrivia is a rich full featured trivia script for Eggdrop. Written in the TCL language, it was originally designed to mimic the popular mIRC trivia, making a smooth transition for channel owners wanting to eliminate a second mIRC client. It contains a wide array of options not found in other tcl trivia scripts that will suit channel owners and players alike.

While BogusTrivia was written with replacing a second mIRC client in mind it has far surpassed my expectations and has become the most popular downloaded script on Thank you isn't enough. Your continued support, testing, and suggestions are as much a part of the script as the script itself.

BogusTrivia requires TCL 8.4 or above. Many Shell Providers have already updated their tcl library, for those that haven't, the user should send an email requesting the version above. In the event the Shell Provider can't or won't upgrade, a script archive is available for anyone needing older versions of BogusTrivia.

If you have used previous versions of BogusTrivia, you will see many things have changed in this release. The BogusHTML generator has been removed and is available as a stand alone ADD-ON script for those users wanting HTML player stats. Whether your loading BogusTrivia for the first time or upgrading it is important that you read all of the included documentation.

BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!!

New In This Release: Version (08-14-14)
  1. BogusLimits
    BogusTrivia can now Limit the number of points any
    one player can get in any one day (midnight to midnight)
  2. New Advanced Custom Points Rounding Settings
    By default, BogusTrivia chooses the best points rounding
    plan, based on your points settings. Now you can choose your
    preferred points rounding settings for all question values
  3. New Settings in This Release: t-2.settings.tcl
    1. Added five settings to support the new BogusLimits feature
    2. Added three new Advanced Custom Points Rounding settings.
    3. Added a setting to control the low end of the bonus points.
  4. New Updated File: t-2.tcl
    Patched BogusTrivia's game timer functions to where they now
    ignore bad utimers created due to the Eggdrop utimers bug:)
    Added code to support the new BogusLimits feature.
  5. New Updated Files: All 4 Included ReadMe Files
    Added documentation for the new BogusLimits feature and
    # cleaned/updated all the ReadMe files.
  6. BogusTrivia no longer includes a patch file for BogusHTML
    BogusHTML now has its own new full version release available!
    Get the new BogusHTML 2.06.4 (BogusTrivia Html Page Maker) Here

Download BogusTrivia Here.

BogusTrivia Game Features
  1. Scores reset Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
  2. 8 preset Colors Themes & Colorless.
  3. Custom Color Setup.
  4. Includes a Question File.
  5. Supports UWord, Scramble, Multiple-choice, and Kaos.
  6. Custom ON|OFF Triggers.
  7. User Flag Protected Commands.
  8. Anti-Theft Feature ON|OFF.
  9. Unlimited Point Ranges.
  10. Bonus Questions ON|OFF with Point Ranges & Intervals.
  11. Kaos Questions ON|OFF with Point Ranges & Intervals.
  12. Custom Hints (trigger & timer setting).
  13. Show|Hide Channel Stats (10-20-30 players).
  14. Unlimited Custom Channel Ads.
  15. Repeat the Question.
  16. Custom Week Reset (mon-tues-wed).
  17. Custom Kaos Options.
  18. Unlimited Questions (subject to hd space or 1 million).
  19. Will Accept Almost Any Question Format or Text File Extension.
  20. No Line Limit on Question Files Added.
  21. Error Correction: Removes Bad Questions & Creates a badqes File You May Edit or Discard.
  22. Flood Control on All Public Commands.
  23. Adjustable Timers to Slow Trivia if There are No Players.
  24. Tracks Users by handle, nick or username@host.
  25. Accurate Score totals.
  26. Support for non-english Characters in Answers examples: ñ á æ ø å).
  27. User File Clean Up. Remove Players Not Seen in X Amount of Time.
  28. Translate Day & Month Names
  29. Restart Game Play on Rejoin
  30. Change the Default Placeholder Character
  31. Max Line Character Limits
  32. Lower Hint & Question Timers
  33. Strip Color Codes & Spaces
  34. Lower Point Values
  35. Public Commands
  36. Bogus Limits
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