BogusTrivia Settings

BogusTrivia Script Settings & Options

BogusTrivia contains many settings allowing you to customize your trivia from presentation to maintenance. Below you will find extensive information for each setting in the order they are found in the t-2.settings.tcl. As always BogusTrivia is designed to work out of the box. The only setting that must be changed is your Channel name.

General Settings
 1. setting your game channel
Set the channel to run BogusTrivia in. BogusTrivia supports 1 channel. Be sure to keep your channel name within the quotes.

Channel to run BogusTrivia in

set t2(chan) "#yourchannelhere"
 2. set user flags for add & mix /msg commands
Set user flags for the add & mix commands sent to the bot via message. By default this is set to master.

Flags for /msg commands .add and .mix
set t2(mflag) "m|m"
 3. starting and stopping game play
Set the command you want to use to start & stop the trivia. A single trigger may be used by removing the .t2off trigger and leaving the quotes. the default on|off triggers are .t2|.t2off and may be changed to anything you like in the t-2settings.tcl.

Public trigger to turn game on
set t2(on) ".t2"

Public trigger, game off ("" = same as on trigger)
set t2(off) ".t2off"

Flags to turn game on ("" = everyone)
set t2(oflag) "o|o"

Flags to turn game off ("" = same as on flags)
set set t2(sflag) ""

Note: Separate off flags require using separate on & off triggers
 4. set the normal question point ranges
Set the point range for normal questions. BogusTrivia uses a smart point system which uses the range set to award points by answer length. The minimum point setting can not be less then 1. At this time there is no known maximum limit.

Low end of points range (1 or more)
set t2(lpoint) "5000"

High end of points range (same or above lpoint.) #
set t2(hpoint) "10000"

Note: Since the smart point system uses answer length to determine the points awarded, setting these too close together will result in the scoring system to change the number larger than you set. If you are using a point range it is recommended that you use 1-10.
 5. set timers for hints & questions
Play time between questions should be in the range of 10-30 seconds. Hints in the range of 12-30 seconds to avoid flooding. These settings determine how often a question is sent to the channel, and how much time must lapse before the next hint can be used.

Play time between hints (10 to 30 seconds)
set t2(qtime) "15"

Play time between questions (12 to 30 seconds)
set t2(ptime) "20"
 6. bonus questions
Bonus questions can be turned off by setting "0". You may choose how often to send a bonus question to the channel. Bonus question points should be set higher then your hpoint setting.

How often to do bonus (by ques count) (0=off)
set t2(dobonus) "10"

Max points for bonus (above hpoint setting.)
set t2(maxbonus) "15000"
 7. kaos questions
Kaos questions contain 3 or more answers. Options include how often to present a Kaos to the channel, Kaos off, or Kaos only and timer between hints. Keep in mind these questions contain multiple answers and may need a longer timer between hints.

How often to do a kaos (by qes count) (0=off) #
set t2(kaos) "10"

Time between hints on kaos (in seconds)
set t2(ktime) "20"
 8. set kaos point ranges
Since Kaos questions contain multiple answers it is recommended using a high point range. BogusTrivia uses a smart point system which uses this point range to award points by answer length awarding a portion of the points for each answer.

Low end of kaos points range
set t2(klpoint) "5000"

High end of kaos points range
set t2(khpoint) "10000"
 9. change the default public & private msg command prefix
Use any or no character for the command prefix for all public and private message commands.

"." = leave all . prefixes as is (default)
"!" = change all . prefixes to !
"" = no command prefix (remove the . prefix)

set t2(p-cmdpre) "." (public command prefix)
set t2(m-cmdpre) "." (private message command prefix)
10. change the default question hint placeholder
Use any single character for the hint placeholder.

"*" (default)

set t2(hintchar) "*"
11. on-join channel greeting
May be set on or off, includes advanced greet settings.

send on-join greeting how ?? (0 = off: no channel greeting)

1 = private msg | 2 = user notice | 3 = public | 4 = channel notice
see below: Advanced Channel Greet Settings

set t2(greet) "3"
12. auto voice
Auto voice Top 10 trivia players. May be set on or off,

1 = on channel join | 2 = on correct answer | 3 = on both
see below: Advanced Channel Auto-Voice Settings

set t2(voice) "3"
13. extended public game commands
Extended public game commands can be turned on or off and include flood and advanced options. (examples: .mystats .topday .topweek20

enable new bogustrivia public commands ?? (1 or more = yes | 0 = no or off)
1 or more = number of seconds to wait before answering another pub cmd
see below: Advanced Public Commands Settings

set t2(pubcmd) "10"
14. choose a preset color theme
BogusTrivia contains 8 preset color themes & a colorless theme for channels that restrict color codes.

Color Themes
set t2(color) "1"
15. displaying user game statistics for all events
BogusTrivia can display player statistics to the channel. Set the number of player stats to display 10, 20, or 30. A new setting has been added in the Advanced section of the t-2.settings.tcl if you prefer not to show these statistics to your channel.
Stat lines for active day week month and ever show top 10 or 20 or 30 users
set t2(today) "3"

Stat lines for yesterday, lastweek, & lastmonth show top 10, 20 or 30 users
set t2(yesterda) "3"

Stat lines for logs older than yesterday etc. # ex. 2 Weeks Ago Top 10 #
set t2(history) "2"

Stat lines like: Top Player of: - Sunday's nick points - Monday's
set t2(otherhist) "1"
16. custom presentation options
These options include settings for displaying the question number, point reduction and a setting to allow the display of "the" in the first hint. Users will still need to type the word the to correctly answer the question.

Show the question number ?? (1=yes | 0=no)
set t2(shonum) "1"

Show leading 'the' in first hint ?? (1=yes | 0=no)
set t2(shothe) "1"

Points go down with each hint ?? (1=yes | 0=no)
set t2(descend) "1"
17. random channel ads
Write your own channels ads. There is no limit to the amount of ads you may write. Each ad must be written on a single line and is subject to network character limits.

Random Lines Below
set t2(rndlin)

Think a Q&A is incorrect? It can't be the bot is always right. hehe
Welcome to Our Channel, kick back and play some Trivia!!
Trivia Commands: ~ Will Show a Hint, q Will Repeat the Current Question
BogusTrivia by Spike^^. Get your copy at !
This Space For Rent.

Advanced Settings
 1. flags required to play bogustrivia
It is assumed that all will be permitted to play the game so the default setting for game play is all -|-. You may however change this if needed.

Flags required to play the game ( -|- = all )
set t2(pflag) "-|-"
 2. max character limit per question line
This addresses the server character limit where users were seeing missing or truncated questions, due to overly long questions or the use of anti-theft, usually 512 minus the message header info.

set t2(maxchar) "410"

Note: Leave this at default, unless you are having long questions missing or truncated. You may be able to set this larger if your botnick and channel name are very short. If you're still noticing missing or truncated question lines, lower this setting some.
 3. anti-theft feature
Since the anti-theft feature adds random characters to your question it can cause the question to go over your servers character limit. Enabling this option will allow Bogustrivia to temporarily disable anti-theft to try to stay under the character limit.

if a question is over the max character limit, and anti-theft is on
temporarily disable anti-theft to try to stay under the character limit
0 = no: never disable anti-theft if it's on
1 = yes: disable anti-theft for very long questions

set t2(maxanti) "0"
 4. over maximum anti-theft feature
The anti-theft feature adds random characters to your question to make it hard for users to copy paste your questions into an editor. Please note with this feature on each character the script adds will be counted toward the character limit of your network.

Anti-Theft on ?? (1=yes | 0=no)
set t2(randfil) "1"
 5. over maximum line wrap feature
The line wrap feature allows you to break the question file at the server limit. This allows long questions to be split intow multiple lines to show the entire question.

what should bogustrivia do if a question is over the max character limit
1 = cut the question to what will fit on one question line
2 = send the remaining question text on a 2nd line

set t2(maxhow) "2"
 6. public command to repeat question
Advanced user question public command to show current question again. This settings allow you to disable question repeating as well as the way the repeated question is displayed. If enabled the question should present the same as you normal question setting.

user question # public command to show current question again
0 = off: disable user question command
1 = on: cut long questions to what will fit on one question line
2 = on: split long questions into 2 question lines

set t2(usrqes) "2"

Public trigger to see user question ( default: q )
set t2(upubq) "q"

# flags required to use question command #
set t2(pqflag) "-|-"

NOTE: Command can be used only once per question & only after the 2nd hint
 7. public command to show hint options
Use these options to customize your hint settings.

Public trigger to see user hint ( default: ~ tilde)
set t2(hint) "~"

Flags required to use hint command
set t2(hflag) "-|-"
 8. slowing the trivia when there are no players
BogusTrivia can go into slow mode when there are no players. Once a question is answered, the trivia will resume the normal timers of game play.

NOTE: If options are set to less than slow times, rest times will be same as the slow setting.

Slow times after this many questions with no one playing the game
The times between hints & questions increase to these settings.
Use slow times after this many not played
set t2(sqcnt) "6"

Slow time between hints
set set t2(qslow) "20"

Slow time between questions
set set t2(pslow) "25"
 9. resting the trivia when there are no players
BogusTrivia can go into slow mode when there are no players. Once a question is answered, the trivia will resume the normal timers of game play. Resting times is also available and work exactly the same as below.

Resting-times or idle-stop # after this many questions with no one playing the game
The times between hints & questions increase to these settings.
Use resting-times or idle-stop after this many not played"
set t2(sqcnt) "15"

Resting time between hints/questions (6 to 120) (0 = idle-stop the game)

set set t2(qslow) "30"

NOTE: If options are set to less than slow times, rest times will be the same as slow times.
10. on join auto start
When idle-stop is enabled this setting allows the trivia to start when a user joins the channel without the need for a trigger.

1 = silently start game | 2 = say public | 3 = say channel notice
see below: Advanced On-Join Auto-Start Settings

set set t2(autostart) "2"

NOTE: For this to function, Idle-stop Must Be Turned ON!
NOTE: Using the public off command overrides auto-start!
use the public on command to reactivate auto-start.

NOTE: auto-start only triggers if bogus was idle-stopped.
11. strip color codes
Bogustriva can now strip color codes allowing players typeing in color to answer questions. This feature will only work in eggdrop 1.6.17 and above.

Strip color codes from players answers # requires eggdrop 1.6.17+
Allow BogusTrivia to accept answers typed in color
This will have the bot remove color codes to look for an answer match

set t2(stripcolor) "0" (1=yes | 0=no)
12. strip extra spaces
Bogustriva can now strip extra spaces from player answers allowing the game to accept answers with extra spaces.

Strip extra spaces from players answers
Allow BogusTrivia to accept answers typed with extra spaces
This will have the bot remove any leading or trailing spaces and change any double spaces to a single space to look for an answer match

set t2(stripspace) "0" (1=yes | 0=no)
13. advanced player matching system
Bogustriva can use this player stats matching system to curb abuse. Enabling this option will find existing player stats by user handle or host. It is recommended to leave this to default to curb abuse.

Use advanced player matching system to find someone's existing stats
0 = no: find existing player stats by nick only
1 = yes: use original advanced player matching system (leaves stats open to player abuse!) uses nick or handle or user@host to find someone's existing stats

set t2(match) "0"
14. restart game play on rejoin
Caution! using this feature could result in data loss due to netsplits or shell issues. If you choose to use this feature it is advised you also enable the backup of user and history files setting.

Restart game on rejoin ?? (1=yes | 0=no)
set t2(restart) "0"
15. scheduled backup of user and history files
This setting has options for backing up the BogusTrivia user and history files. It is a good idea to enable this setting.

Database backup # (0=off | 1=keep 1 backup) # or keep 'x' backups
Backup the user file ??
set t2(bakupu) "1"

Backup the history file ??
set t2(bakuph) "1"

Backup user file how often # 1 = once a day at midnight # 2 = twice at noon & midnight
set t2(bakhow) "1"
16. reset weekly scores
This setting allow you to choose the day you wish your weekly scores to reset. The default is to begin the new week on Monday.

Weekly stats # new week starts on monday morning ?? ( 1 = monday 2 = tuesday ... 7 = sunday )
set t2(newweek) "1"
17. show|hide channel stats
This setting allows you to choose whether or not to display game statistics to the channel. This setting can be enabled or disabled for each event. If show stats is enabled the settings you choose in the game statistics earlier will be displayed for that event.

Show/Hide these player stats to the channel ?? (1=show | 0=hide
Show top10 ever stats lines ??
set t2(ever) "1"

Show today ??
set t2(tda) "1"

Show this week ??
set t2(twe) "1"
Show this month ??
set t2(tmo) "1"

Show yesterday ??
set t2(lda) "1"

Show last week ??
set t2(lwe) "1"

Show last month ??
set t2(lmo) "1"
18. user file maintenance
These settings allow you to control the size of the user and history files for BogusTrivia. By default it keeps an unlimited number of users. Every user that has answered 2 or more questions is added to the user and history file. You decide how many users you'd like to keep as well as remove users not seen in x amount of days.

User file maint # affects the ever stats & the size of the user file

Max number of users in the user file. (100 or more)
set t2(usrmax) "300"

Remove all users not seen in this many days ?? (0=no)
set t2(oldusr) "60"
19. advanced stats settings
These settings allow you to control the presentation of player stats sent to the channel.

User file maint # affects the ever stats & the size of the user file

Max number of users in the user file. (100 or more)
set t2(usrmax) "300"

Remove all users not seen in this many days ?? (0=no)
set t2(oldusr) "60"
20. advanced kaos settings
Kaos hints can be presented differently then regular question hints. Kaos can also award special bonus points if multiple players correctly answer all the choices. Customize this section to your preference.

Bogus can do kaos hints in 2 ways, long hints or a shorter ver. (try it:)
(0 - 3) default: "1" =short first hint & full hints 2 and 3
0=all long hints | 1=short hint1 | 2=short hint2 | 3=short hint3 also
set t2(kstyle) "1"

Stop doing kaos questions if no one has been playing ?? (if slow or resting)
0=no krest | 1=no kaos after rest | 2=none after slow
set t2(krest) "1"

Kaos bonus awards a bonus to all kaos players if they get them all ??
# 0=off | 1+ =min number of answers to be a bonus
set t2(kbonus) "5"

Low end of kaos bonus points range (100 or more)
set t2(kbonlo) "5000"

High end of kaos bonus points range (above kbonlo)
set t2(kbonhi) "10000"
21. advanced on-join auto-start settings
Setting flags here will exempt on-join auto-start settings..

Set exempt user flags for on-join auto-start
ex. o :same as o|o :exempt all global & channel ops
ex. -|mn :exempt only channel masters & owners
ex. f|* :exempt global friends and everyone with any channel flags
ex. - :same as -|- :exempt no one (exempt players off)
ex. bmn|bfmn :good setting to quiet the on-join auto-start some

set t2(a-xflag) "b"

Set exempt nicks for on-join auto-start
ex. {bart} :do not auto-start for bart on channel join
ex. {bart ted ted^} :do not auto-start for bart ted or ted^ on channel join

sett2(a-xnick) {}

Number of seconds to delay the game start (valid settings = 5 or more)

sett2(a-delay) "10"

Don't start for same nick for how many minutes ?? (valid settings = 1 or more)

sett2(a-same) "10"
22. advanced channel greet
Setting flags here will exempt on-join greet settings..

Set exempt user flags for on-join greeting
ex. o :same as o|o :exempt all global & channel ops
ex. -|mn :exempt only channel masters & owners
ex. f|* :exempt global friends and everyone with any channel flags
ex. - :same as -|- :exempt no one (exempt players off)
ex. bmn|bfmn :good setting to quiet the on-join greet some

set t2(g-xflag) "b"

Set exempt nicks for on-join greet
ex. {bart} :do not greet for bart on channel join
ex. {bart ted ted^} :do not greet for bart ted or ted^ on channel join

set t2(g-xflag) "b"

Number of seconds to delay the game greet (valid settings = 5 or more)

sett2(a-delay) "10"

Don't greet same nick for how many minutes ?? (valid settings = 1 or more)

set t2(g-same) "10"

Greeting Text Strings (text to say when someone joins the channel)

If on-join greet is on, bogus will greet known players with their game stats.
Bogustrivia can also say this text to everyone that joins the channel.
Set this empty to not greet unknown users & just say stats for known players.
Variable substitution codes: %c=channel %n=nick %b=botnick
%1=themecolor1 %2=themecolor2 #
set set t2(g-say) {%1 Welcome to %c%2 %n}

Greeting Text Strings join flood

in a channel join flood, bogus can greet them all with one greeting message.
individual player stats aren't done in a channel join flood.
set this empty to not do any greeting during a join flood.
variable substitution codes: same as above except.. %n = a list of all nicks involved in the join flood.
set set t2(g-fludsay) {%2 [%n] %1 Welcome to %c}
23. advanced channel voice
Set auto-voice settings here.

Auto-voice top 3 players ?? (0 = don't auto-voice top 3 players)
1 = voice top3 this week | 2 = voice top3 this month | 3 = voice both
set t2(v-top3) "3"

Auto-voice top 10 players ?? (0 = don't auto-voice top 10 players)
1 = voice top10 this week | 2 = voice top10 this month | 3 = voice both
set t2(v-top10) "3"

Minimum points to get auto-voiced ?? (0 = no minimum points)

sett2(v-min) "0"

Tell the player why they were voiced ?? (0 = say nothing about the +v)

1 = private msg | 2 = user notice | 3 = public | 4 = channel notice

set t2(v-how) "3"

Auto-voice players that already have +o ?? (0 = never voice players with +o)

1 = on channel join | 2 = on correct answer | 3 = on both
set t2(v-op) "3"

Maximum number of nicks to voice per mode command ?? (valid settings = 1 to 9)

set t2(v-max) "3"
24. advanced on-join auto-voice settings
Set on-join auto-voice settings here.

Set exempt user flags for on-join auto-voice
ex. o :same as o|o :exempt all global & channel ops
ex. f|* :exempt global friends and everyone with any channel flags
ex. - :same as -|- :exempt no one (exempt players off)
ex. bmn|bfmn :good setting to quiet the on-join auto-voice some
set t2(v-xflag) "b"

Set exempt nicks for on-join auto-voice
ex. {bart} :do not auto-voice bart on channel join
set t2(v-xnick) {}

Don't say was voiced same nick for how many minutes ?? (valid settings = 1 or more)

sett2(v-same) "10"

When to voice multiple players in same mode command ?? (valid settings = 1 or 2)

1 = multi-voice all the time | 2 = multi-voice only under join flood conditions

sett2(v-msg) "2"
25. on-join flood settings
Set on-join flood settings here.

Maximum number of joins to reply to before triggering a join flood ?? (2 to 9)
Note: each say 'voiced player(s)' = 1 reply & greeting a player = 1 reply
sett2(jflud) "5"

Number of seconds to monitor for the above number of replies ?? (10 to 60)
How often to send a reply from the on-join reply queue (1 to 9 seconds)

sett2(jqtime) "4"
26. custom color setup
BogusTrivia contains preset themes but some users may prefer creating there own look. Using the settings below and standard mirc colors you can create any them you like. Experiment and have fun with it and if you'd like to submit it for theme inclusion use the theme submission page.

Kaos uses same colors as normal questions ??
(1=yes | 0=use custom kaos colors below
set tscl(ksame) "1"

Colors for all kaos hints
set tscl(khnt) "05,15"
set tscl(khnt2) "05,15"

set tscl(kpnt1) "07"
set tscl(kpnt2) "05"

set tscl(ktu) "07"
set tscl(ktu2) "05"
set tscl(kng) "07"

set tscl(kstat) "05"
set tscl(kbon) "05"

set set tscl(kbon2) "07"
set tscl(kbon2) "07"

Colors for all daily stats
set tscl(d10) "05,15"
set tscl(d11) "01,15"
set tscl(d12) "05,15"

All stats use the daily stats colors from above ??
(1=yes | 0=use individual stats setup below)
set tscl(same) "1"

Colors for all weekly stats
set tscl(w10) "00,10"
set tscl(w11) "08,10"
set tscl(w12) "00,10"
Colors for all monthly stats
set tscl(m10) "00,10"
set tscl(m11) "08,10"
set tscl(m12) "00,10"
Colors for all lifetime stats
set tscl(e10) "00,10"
set tscl(e11) "08,10"
set tscl(e12) "00,10"
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