XDCC Server Pro DCC Command Use

DCC Command Use

XDCC Server Pro has 4 base commands. Each of these commands are described below with examples for quick reference.
x commands are used for server related options.
a commands are used for adding.
d commands are used for removal.
l commands are used for listing.
The script requires a +m (master) flag in the bot to use the commands below.

DCC X Commands
1. xhelp
Used alone the command will return instructions on using the built in help system.
For help on a specific command, type the command alone.

apack will return all available options for the .apack command.
2. xstart
1. Server Channels & Packs must be added for the Server to start.
2. The Server can be set to autostart in the xdcc_pro.tcl.
3. xstop
1. Stops all channel ads and new sends from queue.
2. Stops all replies to Server commands from users.
3. Server continues to monitor active sends for user gone.
4. Does not terminate active sends unless user leaves the channel.
5. Does not clear the queue
4. xstatus
1. Shows the current server status.
5. xinfo
Shows the version and contact information for XDCC Server Pro.
1. XDCC Server Pro version 2.03 by SpiKe^^
2. Comments and bug reports are welcome on Undernet: #pc-mirc-help or email me at: myaddy@myhost.com
6. xset
1. Allows new dynamic value changes via DCC Chat. All available settings are listed below.
2. This command takes multiple or mixed input.
3. Currently allows changing of nine different tcl settings.
4. Settings changes are applied without a rehash.
5. Use: .xset -list for the complete xset setting list.
6. Dynamic settings remain active until removed with .xset or the bot is restarted.

1 .xset lists all active dynamic settings.
2 .xset maxdcc 3 changes maxdcc value to 3.
3 .xset maxque - removes dynamic settings for maxque.
4 .xset -usrmaxq remove dynamic setting for usrmaxq.
5 .xset maxdcc 4 maxque color 3 (set 2 & remove 1).
6 .xset -rem removes all active dynamic settings.
7 .xset -list lists all possible dynamic settings.
8 .xset -help shows help for the .xset command.
9 .xset -help color shows help for the color settings.
DCC A Commands
1 .achan
1. Add Server channels with or without the #.
2. You must be in channel before adding to Server.
3. Multiple channels may be added at once.

1. .achan chan1 chan2 chan3
2. .achan #yourchannel will add your server channel(s)
2 .apack
1. Default serving path is ./filesys/.
2. Packs are assigned to position one as added.
3. Comma is the separator for file,description no commas allowed in filename or route.
4. Description is optional, script will auto fill in description from filename.
5. Spaces are allowed in filenames and descriptions.

Example: For files in default path.
1. .apack filename - filename.filetype,your filename - your description.
2. .apack filename - filename.mpg.

Example: for files not in default path.
1. .apack ./packs/filename - filename.filetype,your filename - your description.
2. .apack ./packs/filename - filename.filetype.
NOTE: Optional description can contain commas.
3 .aban
1. Bans may be added by nick or host (case insensitive).
2. This command takes multiple or mixed input.
3. All bans are permanent until removed with the .dban command.
4. Any input without a ! or @ will be considered a nick.
5. Input with a ! or @ is taken as a mask or partial mask.
6. All partial masks are fixed so they will be valid.

1 .aban nick (add mask: *!usrname*@*.host.com).
2 .aban nick! (add mask: nick!*@*).
3 .aban !usrname (add mask: *!usrname@*).
4 .aban usrname@ (add mask: *!usrname@*).
5 .aban @*.host.com (add mask: *!*@*.host.com).
6 .aban ted ted! @host.com (add 3 banmasks).
NOTE: the Eggdrop internal banlist is not used. be sure to use .aban for a Server ban.
DCC D Commands
1 .dban
1. Server bans may be removed by nick or ban number or mask.
2. This command takes multiple or mixed input.
3. Any input without a ! or @ will be considered a nick or ban#.
4. Input with a ! or @ is taken as a mask or partial mask.
5. All partial masks are fixed so they will be valid.

1 .dban bart removes all masks that may ban bart.)
2 .dban 1 4 ted (remove bans 1, 4 & all bans on ted).
3 .dban ted! bart@ (remove masks: ted!*@* *!bart@*).
4. dban -all removes all server bans (clear bans).
NOTE: The .dban ban# command always uses the numbers from the last .lban list or .aban return. Removing bans does not change the numbers assigned to the remaining bans. bans are re-numbered on the next .lban to fill in the spaces. The user must be online for .dban nick to work correctly. Tries to remove all masks that would currently ban the user and any bans set on that nick using .aban nick.
2. .dchan
1. Delete server channel with or without using the #.
2. Channels may be removed by name or current channel number.
3. Delete all server channels.

1. .dchan 1 4 will remove channels 1 and 4 from your serving list.
2. .dchan mychannel will remove the channel mychannel from your serving list.
3. .dchan -all will remove all server channels and turns the server off if it's running.
NOTE: After this command the channels are renumbered to fill in the missing numbers. Make sure to get a new .lchan list before using .dchan a second time.
3. .dpack
1. Remove single pack by number.
2. Remove multiple packs by number.
3. Remove all packs above stated number.
4. Remove all packs.

1. .dpack 1 7 3 removes packs 1 7 & 3.
2. .dpack 4+ removes all packs above the first 4.
3. dpack -all removes all packs available and turns the server off if it's running.
NOTE: After using this command, the packs are re-numbered to fill in the missing numbers. Make sure to get a new .lpack list before using .dpack a second time.
4. .dque
1. Delete a single file or clear que for nick.
2. This command will not take multiple inputs.
3. Que# refers to the numbers from the last .lque command reply.
4. If que# given is already in progress, this command will terminate that send.
5. .dque nick removes all queues and terminates all sends for the specified nick.

1. .dque 4 .dque ted.
2. .dque -all nick removes all queues for the given nick (clear queue).
3. .dque -all clears all queues for the server.
DCC L Commands
1. lban
1. Lists the server bans set in XDCC Server Pro ban list.
2. Provides the ban numbers assigned to use with the .dban ban# command.
2. lchan
1. Lists the server channels your currently running the server in.
3. .lque
1. Lists the files in queue.
2. Provides the que numbers assigned to use with the .dque que# command below.
4. .lsend
1. lists all active sends
2. Provides the file-send numbers assigned to use with the .dsend send# command