SpiKe's TCL Scripts

New Trivia File Available

downloads">New Trivia File

We have added a new question file with 3000+ questions. We would like to give a special thanks to #World-Trivia on Dalnet for sending us a few hundred Q&A to get us started on this new file. Enjoy!!


The focus of this site is to bring users my TCL Scripts, currently BogusTrivia, BogusHTML, XDCC Server Pro, Silent, Beer, and Game-Pool. I've also included extensive information on many subjects related to IRC, mIRC, Eggdrop, Windrop, and my preferred Network, Undernet. Whether you're a first time visitor or use my site regularly, you'll find extensive information, documentation, and help. All feedback, bug reports, and suggestions are welcome.

TCL Archive

There is a new tcl archive accepting script submissions. tclarchive.org
The new tcl archive also has all the orginal egghelp tcl scripts. If you're a scripts writer use the link above and submit your scripts.


Want to help support SpiKe's TCL Scripts?

Safely make donations with my paypal link, accessible from any page within this site. Your donations are greatly appreciated. If you'd like acknowledgement for your donation please drop me an email. I would consider creating a contributor page.

BogusTrivia is my most current popular script. Originally designed to mimic the popular mirc trivia, it makes a smooth transition for channel owners wanting to eliminate a second mirc client. BogusHTML is now an optional stand alone HTML page generator for BogusTrivia.

Some users have expressed interest in translating BogusTrivia. I will be working on adding support for language files. I will gladly accept translations and post them with proper credit to the Author. If you submit a language file or wish to submit your current translation of my script, please include all information requested for proper credit on the translation submission form.

My scripts are written in TCL 8.4 for Eggdrop and Windrop and cannot be used on any IRC Chat Client. They have been extensively tested and are capable of running out of the box with little or no user input. This was to allow both the seasoned user and the novice to enjoy my scripts. While some may find the options overwhelming, the seasoned user will find my scripts extremely customizable. Each script is packaged with extensive documentation and contact information.

For users seeking information on TCL, I've added what I believe are the most comprehensive sources available on the net. The TCL language is not limited to Eggdrop or Windrop. Tcl is a general purpose language which can be used for Web Applications, Desktop GUI's, Databases and more.

New project ideas are always welcome. I've provided a form for users wishing to request a script. While I can't take on every project submitted, I will consider all requests.

Featured Topics


Access the mIRC link from Pc-Mirc-Help to view complete information about obtaining the client, installation, options, basic & advanced commands, obtaining & using scripts as well as troubleshooting DCC.


Access the Undernet link from Pc-Mirc-Help to view complete information about our Network. The sublinks will include extensive information on creating, running & protecting your channels, as well as general information which can be used on most networks.


Access the Eggdrop link from Pc-Mirc-Help to view complete information on obtaining, compiling, & running Eggdrop on a Unix Shell.


Access the Windrop link from Pc-Mirc-Help to view complete information on obtaining, installing, & running Windrop on your Windows machine.


Use this section to troubleshoot common problems with mIRC DCC, The Windows Firewall and Router Port Forwarding. This section will remain under construction as new content will be added as needed.

I hope you enjoy my scripts. I want to thank all of you that have provided support for this site and my work, it is greatly appreciated. Below you will find brief descriptions of each of my scripts for your convenience. Check back often as I will be updating these pages to bring you more scripts and information.

Please feel free to contact me by Email or Join my chat channel on Undernet.

My Scripts to Date

BogusTrivia version is the Ultimate Trivia Script. Released On 08-14-14. Originally designed to mimic the popular mirc trivia used in most IRC channels, it includes advanced user stats, tracking by nick, handle or username@host, error correction, flood control, preset color themes, custom color options, the ability to accept nearly all trivia files in any question/answer format with support for scrambles, uword, kaos custom ON|OFF Triggers, public commands, onjoin greet, auto voice, daily player point limits and much more.

BogusHTML version 2.06.4 is the Ultimate HTML Generator. Released 0n 08-14-14. An add-on script for BogusTrivia that generates HTML player statistic web pages. This release creates Active, History and Extended User Stats, includes New HTML Templates & CSS files of each existing theme. No knowledge of HTML is necessary. The script requires available web site support from your shell provider. Please read all included documentation for complete information.

XDCC Server Pro is a Complete XDCC Server Script supporting unlimited packs, multi channel serving, banlist, extensive channel ad options, preset color themes or choose no color, sends only to users on a server channel, kills send if a user leaves the channel, flood control, file send queue, and much more. Most settings done via DCC chat.

Silent is a Personal Protection Script for your bot against msg, notice, ctcp & ctcr floods using the servers /silence command. This feature is supported by many IRC Networks. See Scripts included documentation for available options.

Beer is a simple Channel Bartender Script for your channel. Write your own custom trigger replies. Give your bartender a personality. Default triggers included. Triggers accept variable substitutions. No limit on triggers. Includes flood control, & onjoin greet.

Game-Pool is a customizable random team generator for online game channels. Allows the Admin to Open a Pool for users to join their current online game. Messages users their team, ip/port and password info when pool is full and game play can begin.